Annexure I
Academic Audit and Continuation of Affiliation
(Under Direction No. 114 of the Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016) |
Instructions:- |
- The applicant Society desirous of applying to the University for Academic Audit and grant of (I) Continuation of affiliation for existing Courses under Section 114 of the Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016, shall use this application form.
- The applicant Society applying for grant of permissions as above from a particular Academic Session beginning with August, shall submit its application so as to reach the University Office on or before 31st August of the immediately preceding session.
- The application shall be submitted IN TWO COPIES.
- The applicant Society running more than one College/Institution shall submit separate application for each College.
- Fee for Academic Audit and Continuation of Affiliations:
- College for Professional Courses Rs. 30,000/-
- Education and Law Rs. 15,000/-
- Colleges for Non-Professional Courses Rs. 10,000/-
To, |
The Registrar,
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj
Nagpur University,
Sir, |
The undersigned begs to apply For Academic Audit and grant for Continuation of affiliation to our College/Institution Named
run by
From the session 2021-22. The requisite fee is paid through the Crossed Bank Draft No.
Drawn on the Bank of
for Rs.
and the said draft is submitted along with the hard copy this application. |
I request to process this application for necessary permission. |
(Signature & Seal of the Secretary) |
Dated : -- |
(Information against the columns mentioned below should be entered correctly). |
- Month and Year of the establishment of the College
- Month and Year up to which College is affiliated for Courses in different Faculties:
(Starting Year attach a Copy of the letter received from Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University regarding affiliation)
- No. & Date of Govt. Resolution granting above affiliation. (attach a Copy of first time affiliation received from Nagpur University.)
Existing Courses for which Continuation of affiliation sought:
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Classes |
Subjects |
Medium |
Intake |
Affiliation Granted Upto |
No. of Govt. Resolution |
Date of Govt. Resolution |
No Records. |
List of the Courses granted Permanent Affiliation
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Classes |
Subjects |
Medium |
Intake |
Permanent Affiliation from the Year |
University Permission Letter No. |
University Permission Date |
No Records. |
Number of students who actually appeared and Number of Students successful at the above mentioned Examination During the past 3 years Class-wise :
Sr. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Classes |
Subjects |
Shift |
No. of Students Appeared and Passed |
Year |
Appeared |
Passed |
No Records. |
- Date of visit of the previous Local Enquiry Committee
- Who were the members
(Attach the following documents for this application) |
University directive/s not complied with by the College so far
A copy of Audited Statement of Income and Accounts of the preceding year
A list of College Development Committee members and the period of tenure
01-01-1970 to
in each case.
Dated: -- | | (Signature & Seal of the Principal of the College) |
Annexure III |
To, |
The Affidavit,
Before Hon’ble Executive
Magistrate/ Notary
Sir, |
I Principal/Secretary of College Sate on Solemn affirmation as under – |
- That the provisions of the Act and Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations there under and the sending orders and directions of the University shall be observed;
- That there shall be separate college development committee provided for an affiliated college as provided by Section 97 of Maharashtra Public University Act 2016;
- That the number of students admitted for courses of study shall not exceed the limits prescribed by the University and the State Government from time to time;
- That there shall be suitable and adequate physical facilities such as buildings, laboratories, libraries, books, equipment required for teaching and research, hostels, gymnasium as may be prescribed;
- That the financial resources of the college or institution shall be such as to make due provision for its continued maintenance and working;
- That the strength and qualifications of teaching and non-teaching staff of the affiliated colleges and recognised institutions and the emoluments and the terms and conditions of service of the staff of affiliated colleges shall be such as prescribed by the University and which shall be sufficient to make due provision for courses of study, teaching or training or research, efficiently;
- That the services of all teaching and non-teaching employees and the facilities of the college to be affiliated shall be made available for conducting examinations and for promoting other activities of the University;
- That the directions, and orders issued by the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and other Officers of the University in exercise of the powers, conferred on them under the provisions of the Act, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations shall be complied with ;
- That there shall be no change or transfer of the management without prior permission of the University;
- That the college or institution shall not be closed without prior permission of the University;
- That in the event of disaffiliation or de recognition or closure of the college or institution under Section 121 all the assets of the college or institution including building and equipment which have been constructed or created out of the amount paid as a grant-in-aid by the State Government or the University Grants Commission shall vest in the State Government.
| | Deponent Principal / Secretary
with seal.
I know the Deponent |
Advocate |